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The MMO Folklorist’s Guide to Galaxies

The Unofficial and Unauthorized History of Star Wars Galaxies

Guide to Galaxies Book Mockup



OVER 15 YEARS AFTER STAR WARS GALAXIES FIRST LAUNCHED, THE MMO FOLKLORIST’S GUIDE TO GALAXIES IS A CELEBRATION OF THE BELOVED ONLINE ROLE-PLAYING GAME. This comprehensive guide gives those who played the game – and those who never got the chance – an opportunity to relive the nostalgia and excitement of this landmark entry into the MMORPG genre.

The History of Star Wars Galaxies

Never finding itself far from controversy, Star Wars Galaxies has one of the most dramatic histories in gaming. The MMO Folklorist’s Guide to Galaxies features new insights into the game’s early and ongoing development, right until its sunset in 2011.

The Codex

Explore Galaxies’ species, professions, planets, quests, items, events, and gameplay mechanics in unparalleled detail.

Over 700 Full Colour Images

The memories will come rushing back with rare images of the game, its concept art, and promotional material. All of which are presented from the highest resolution sources available.

The Legacy

Although its official servers are no longer in operation, Star Wars Galaxies is still regarded as one of the most influential online sandboxes ever – unrivalled in the freedom it offered its players. Why does Galaxies’ legacy continue to endure, and can the emulation projects ever hope to recapture the magic?

[This book was originally published in 2018 as Galaxies: An Empire Remembered]

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Hardcover Edition via Amazon

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Digital Edition (Free) via itch.io


2 responses to “The MMO Folklorist’s Guide to Galaxies”

  1. Thank you for writing this book. I just purchased it. I played this game from about 11 to the end of its life cycle.

    -Oka Wolfwood (Bloodfin)


    1. MMO Folklorist Avatar
      MMO Folklorist

      Thanks Tyler, from one Bloodfin veteran to another I hope you enjoy the book!


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